
This is my blog for Tom Houston Photography. My aim here is to help share knowledge. I have been fortunate enough to know some very smart and helpful photographers who have helped me a lot with my photography. This blog is how I want to return the favour, give back and help out others.

I hope you enjoy,


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Review: iPad 2

Thought I would review my very lovely, slim and stunning iPad 2.
Review: iPad 2
This lovely device was purchased so that I could have a portfolio because I didn't want to keep printing off photos/books as I took photos.  So here is my full review of my iPad since I already did an initial one after I got it.
Thoughts and Opinions:
The iPad is quite the piece of technology.  I expected no less from apple but boy oh boy is it something.  So I will be focusing on it as a tool for photography and it is amazing.  I know I am maybe not using it to its fullest potential but I just needed it for photography.  As I mentioned in my initial review, I was planning on getting some apps which I did end up doing.  I got a portfolio app which I have reviewed already (Portfolio for iPad, Link) and I have also gotten a contract app which I also reviewed (Photographers Contract Maker, Link). From my initial review I said it was user friendly which has not changed.  I love how easy it is to use and that goes the same for my clients as well.  My clients use it to sign contracts or flip through my portfolio and have had no issues with it which is great.  Really makes for a interactive and sometime fun experience for my clients as they use the iPad.
I also mentioned the oil smudges on the screen in my initial review but that is, as I said, one of the things that happens when you have a touch screen.  I personally don't mind it since you can't see it when the screen is bright and you are looking at it dead on.  You can notice if the screen is dim or from the side.  
Image quality is great on the iPad.  I love the ease of flipping through the photos, zooming in on them.  The ability to get an app for a portfolio that allows you to have even more control over how you present your photos is great.  I wrote the review for the portfolio app I have(Link).  The contract app I have is also very good.  The freedom of having no paper, and e-mailing contracts instantly to my client after it is signed is amazing.  The abilities of the iPad itself is amazing plus the additional apps you can get for it, is quite remarkable.  
I also got an eye-fi card which I will review soon.  The ability to upload photos wirelessly to your iPad to view the photos is very cool.  It is a little slow but still very useful since it is nice to see the photos on the iPad screen instead of the camera screen (In my case 3 inches on the D90).
The size is great since it isn't too big it is awkward but big enough to present my photos well.  The one thing about the iPad that threw me off a little was the weight of it.  It is a little heavier than expected however I am used to it now.  But it is lighting than a usual portfolio book.  
The ability of apple products to work together is quite amazing and the iPad has a couple of amazing tricks up its sleeve.  If you have an apple TV then you can mirror your iPad on your TV as well as play music and share photos onto your TV.  This is a great way to share your photos at home or anywhere with an apple TV.  Also on a side note, watching TED talks that are shared from your iPad to your TV is quite a fun thing to do.  
I have used it to present my portfolio, sign contracts, and media things like Facebook/e-mail/Twitter etc.  Also I have tested out all the other functions of the iPad like FaceTime etc however I won't cover that here since I like to keep this photography related.
It has been an amazing tool for photography with the portfolio and contract ability alone.
- Compact
- Great Design
- Great Display
- Ease of Use
- Battery Life
- Large Amount of Functionality 
- Versatile
- Oil Smudge (But again, it's a touch screen)
- Cost
It is quite the device and I love mine.  I highly recommend the iPad for a portfolio and using it for contracts.  I have used the eye-fi card a little however not a lot but what I have done with it has been very cool.  I am sure there are many other functions I could take advantage of however I want to keep my iPad photography related so it stays professional.  I don't want to worry about other application interfering with my photography.  
So all and all, a very very useful device.  I highly recommend it as a portfolio or a device to sign contracts with electronically.  If you do decide to use it for everything it is able to do, then I am sure you would get a better experience with it.  I just don't want to have a scrabble notification popping through my portfolio or contract app.  

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