
This is my blog for Tom Houston Photography. My aim here is to help share knowledge. I have been fortunate enough to know some very smart and helpful photographers who have helped me a lot with my photography. This blog is how I want to return the favour, give back and help out others.

I hope you enjoy,


Monday, 16 January 2012

App Review: Photographers Contract Maker

App Review:  Photographers Contract Maker

This app allows you to write (or use pre-made templates/alter them) contracts or releases for your photography.  It comes with a "Photo Shoot, Model Release, Copyright Release and 2nd Shooter-Work For Hire" contracts.  It allows you to have placeholders where contact information can be inserted into contracts.  This is easily done by the model just filling out a contract sheet and it automatically puts that information into the placeholders in the contract.  The app also allows you to do signatures so there is a signature written on the contract.  It also allows you to have all your information imputed into the app so your information can easily be placed into contracts each time.  The signed contracts also save on your iPad and can easily be e-mailed from your iPad to the client(s) (and yourself).  As well, if you work repeatedly with models, it saves the contact information in the app so the model only has to input their information once.  It had more features to make the app easy to use but those are the main ones in my opinion.

Thoughts and Opinions:
This is a very helpful app to a photographer.  It is so much easier to do releases on my iPad since I don't have to print out releases ahead of time and always have them and a pen with me.  The ability to make your own contracts is a huge plus as well as signing them electronically.  E-mailing the contracts also is a huge plus for me since it again saves paper.  Very impressed with this app.  The placeholders is also a good idea which makes the contracts easy to do.  Overall the app is well thought out and easy to use.

I did a shoot with a model who needed a parent/guardian signature however there was no placeholder for that sadly.  So I just made it as "a witness" however I made sure the wording of the contract made it clear it was the parent/guardian signing.  It did not matter since the placeholder naming doesn't stay in the contract but always good to be clear with clients when signing legal contracts.

Also on a small tangent it is kind of cool for people to use the iPad and such for the contract.  It adds a small cool/fun factor into signing releases since paper work (especially legal papers) isn't fun for a lot of people.

- Ease of Use
- Simple
- Usefulness
- Ability to Sign Contract on iPad
- Placeholders
- Ability to E-mail the Contract
- Cost (2.99 CAN)
- (as a side note) also works on my phone! (iPhone)

- Pre-made (which is good) placeholders however not customizable (not good)

Overall a very useful app that is very easy to use.  I know it is a new technology and such but it is hard to describe this since I would say it is a tool for photography.  What I mean is, it is like describing how useful a hammer or drill is to someone in construction.  You should/need to have signed release when working with models and this makes that very ease so I would almost call this a tool rather than some fancy extra app.  So 10/10 on usefulness and it is a great app as well as it is very easy to use.

I highly recommend this app for any photographer who works with models or signs contracts with clients a lot.  All you need is an iPad (or iPhone).

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