
This is my blog for Tom Houston Photography. My aim here is to help share knowledge. I have been fortunate enough to know some very smart and helpful photographers who have helped me a lot with my photography. This blog is how I want to return the favour, give back and help out others.

I hope you enjoy,


Monday, 26 December 2011

Review: Initial Review of the iPad 2

Hey, so I decided before I do any reviews of apps and such I should do an initial review of the actual device itself.  Before I start I would just like to mention that I am mostly going to use my iPad as a photography tool and this review will have the same focus.

Thoughts and Opinions:

First off, Apple sure knows what they are doing.  The iPad is a truly amazing device considering when it first came out it was really the only thing like it.  I got it for the purpose of having it as my portfolio.  I have not yet bought a portfolio app yet but I am planning on it very soon.  However just using the native photos app on the iPad is just fine more now.  I just want control over what photos I show and such.  The photos look great on the iPad, it is cool being able to zoom in to see how good the quality is of the photos.

The device is user friendly which is obvious for an apple product. It is actually kinda fun to just flip through the photos and have all the multi-touch gestures.  I really like the just pure ability of this thing.  So much potential like a portfolio app, eye-fi card to send photos to your iPad as you shoot, tons of potential features not to mention the native ones on it.

When you use it a lot you can get a lot of smudges on the screen but that is what happens when you have a touch screen.  It is a price you have to pay I suppose.  The good news is you don't notice until you turn off the iPad.  You don't really see any smudging when it is on looking directly at it.  

I will also be using my iPad to be doing a lot of things like twitter and e-mail and all that as well as checking my blog etc.  So I can keep the social media things going with my photography. 


- Lightweight
- Compact
- Great Design
- Great Display
- Ease of Use
- Vast Amount of Functionality
- Battery Life

The list goes on but I will stop there.


- Oil Smudges on Screen (But you get that when you have a touch screen...)
- Cost


So it is so far a very great tool to have.  I have really enjoyed using it the past two days.  I think once I get all of the apps I want for it then it will be quite the machine (not that it isn't right now, just more of a photography machine).  So there isn't much to conclude other than the iPad is a great photography tool so far and I only think it can get better from here.

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