
This is my blog for Tom Houston Photography. My aim here is to help share knowledge. I have been fortunate enough to know some very smart and helpful photographers who have helped me a lot with my photography. This blog is how I want to return the favour, give back and help out others.

I hope you enjoy,


Sunday, 22 December 2013

New Update: I Am Still Alive

Hey folks,

So I know it is been an eternity since I last posted something here.  My Apologies, I was finishing a couple of things and moving to another continent and starting a new job.  So that ate up my time needless to say.

However I am back and I made two videos and here they are!  The first one is about making videos again and the second is on the Black Rapid RS-7.

First Video

Second Video

I have done some photography lately and some time-lapses.  You can see those here and here.

Here is one of the photos from Витоша (Vitosha) which I live near now.

битоша - D600 - 16-35mm

I hope you like these and thanks for your continued interested even in my absence!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Video: Little Disappointed With Nikon...


So this post/video is a little upsetting for me to write/make.  I don't know if I quite made it to the "Nikon Fan Boy" status however I was on that Nikon team however lately it hasn't been as good as it was.

In this video I go over my experience with the D600 and the oil spots I got on my sensor from the manufacturer's defect.  I did all the research one could do about this camera and in the end I thought I had A, waited long enough and B, knew that it could be cleaned easily if this happened.

At first, all was perfect.  The D600 really was (and still is) an amazing camera however the oil is becoming a much larger headache for me.  After two months with it, I was thrilled I had no oil on my sensor and all was good.  However after taking the camera to SE Asia, that wasn't the case.  It got a fair amount of oil spots and some being pretty large on the sensor.  I just thought that was because of the excess heat in SE Asia.  Unfortunately I was wrong to assume that.

After getting the D600 cleaned at the camera store where I purchased it in my University town when I got home from SE Asia, I thought I was home free.  I read a lot that the oil went away around 3000 acts. and I was at 6000+ and it was cleaned after 6700 acts.  Unfortunately after doing some lighting tests recently (2 months or so later), I noticed oil spots again in the top left hand corner of the sensor and across the top of the sensor as well.  I was disappointed so I called Nikon to see what there was to do.  Currently there is no cleaning services here that do wet cleaning of sensors and none that I would probably trust.

I called Nikon last week and they told me that it takes 5-7 days (excluding shipping) to service the camera.  With shipping after an hour drive (to Henry's), it would take within the two week mark to ship, service and ship back.  This summer I am between school and my job in the end of August and I am doing photography as my job and this unfortunately means I cannot just ship my camera away for two weeks.  So I asked the Nikon Service person on the phone if there was a loaner program and he said there was through the NPS program.  I asked what it was and he instantly transferred me to the NPS desk.

The lady at the NPS desk proceeded to tell me that it was a professional service that you could get a loaner camera when you camera is in the shop.  However you must have 2 pro bodies, 2 or more pro lenses, and 100% of your income is from photography.  Well I don't have two pro bodies however fit the other criteria however only for this summer.  The lady on the phone also said it was a 3 week application process which also doesn't fit my timeline so well.  Also I want it cleaned sooner than the 3 week with the application process and the two weeks of shipping cleaning.

After I found out the duration of the cleaning and then that I didn't qualify to get a loaner camera because I guess I am not "pro" enough to not be without my D600, I asked what they could do for me then.  The person on the phone told me she could expedite the service time to 5 days.  But that still doesn't work for me because I have some shoots through my week and I have weddings on the weekends now.  So the conversation basically ended there when they couldn't help me more than that and I had to decide what I wanted to do.

Sooo I thought I would make a blog post/video about this since potential D600 buyers and/or Nikon shooters out there with 1 body, or who don't make 100% of their income with their photography should hear/see this.  However I decided this is pretty damming and disappointing information about Nikon who up until now I have backed 100% and I might not want to share it.  So today I decided to give Nikon another chance because as I said I was a pretty big fan of them.  I called them up asking for the customer service department.  Went over my story and situation with the gentlemen on the phone and same situation happened for the most part.  However two new points came up.

First, you have to pay to ship my camera to Nikon however they pay to ship it back.  That is a great system if the reason the camera is being serviced is due to owner misuse or by fault of the owner.  Personally I do not feel comfortable with paying money to ship a defective camera to Nikon to get it fixed when it was not the owner's fault it needs to be shipped.  Secondly, the gentlemen on the phone made another suggestion which was for me to rent a camera from Henry's or Vistek while my camera is being serviced.  This falls in the same category since I don't want to pay more money to use a D600 after I bought one for over $2000 and it isn't working the way it should due to a manufacturing defect.

So after the issue wasn't resolved I decided to share this experience with everyone because I feel I owe it to share it more than I owe Nikon to not say anything.  It does upset me a little to write this and publish damming information but Nikon didn't really keep me happy enough that I could write a happy blog post about how Nikon's Service came through for me.  But regrettably I can't write that story right now because it didn't happen.

As I said in the video, if you know of something for me to do, or advice for me or anything I should know please share it with me in a comment below here, or my video or in an e-mail.  I currently don't know what to do, and I am not taking landscapes yet however will want to do long exposures of waterfalls and startrails soon and there is no way to get a usable images with the sate my sensor is in.

Well I hope this helps all of you who are in my boat or something similar.  I am sorry to write this negative post however this is how it is, and I hope I didn't say anything with a bias.  I wouldn't say I am angry, just disappointed Nikon cannot be more accomodating to people who 1) need their services maybe more than a pro with multiple pro bodies, and 2) Who might one day be 100% photographers and buy more of Nikon's gear.  Up until now I couldn't understand why people switched camera systems.  I didn't know what would make someone sell all their stuff and move to Nikon/Canon/Sony/Pentax etc from their current system.  However I am starting to get that idea now unfortunately and I am very disappointed by it.

I will post about this again once I have figured all this out and let everyone know how it is resolved.  Personally I don't see Nikon catering to me which is unfortunate considering the amount of gear I do have that is Nikon.  Also I do expect to keep growing with my photography and continuing to do it on the side and that would mean purchasing more Nikon gear but it's things like this that make you question a company/brands service and commitment to their users or if they are worth your continual support.  

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Photos: The Wonderful Land of Macro

Here are some photos I took when it was a really misty day outside and I really like how all these turned out so please check out the others on my Website and see for yourself.

The D600 and the 105mm VR Micro is a beautiful marriage.

Petal and Droplets - 105mm VR Micro - D600

Allium - 105mm VR Micro - D600
I thought I would post these as I edit my shoots I have done recently.  Trying to keep a good flow of photos coming if I can!  

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Photos: Macro

Hey folks,

I have just uploaded some more photos to my new arrivals gallery.  They are some some very nice macro shots and with the D600 they are even better than before.  Hope you like them and I have a lot of shoots setup so stay posted for those after I do them!

Tulip - D600


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Video: Lighting Gear

Hey folks, so here is a video on what lighting gear I use.  I thought I would make this video since I haven't actually reviewed any of my lighting equipment other then my speed lights and my beauty dish.  So here is a video with all of them together!  Hope it helps.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Video: How to Get Sharper Photographs


Here is a video I did talking about how you can get sharper photographs.  I hope it helps and if you have any questions please let me know and I will be more than happy to help!


Monday, 13 May 2013

Video: Magazine Video Review

Hey folks,

Here is my video review of some photography magazines.  When I was looking for which photography magazines were best, I wanted to hear what others thought and I didn't find much to be honest.  So I thought I would share what I had found so far.  Hope it helps!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Website: Revamp!

Hey folks,

I just restructured, revamped, and added to my website!  Took a while however here it is and I hope you like it!


Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Video: Nanuk Hard Case Review

Hey folks,

Here is my long overdue review of one of my best pieces of gear I own.  That is my Nanuk hard case.  It has taken a beating and still looks great, works great and most of all has protected my gear.  I trust this case with my equipment and in this video I go over all the features why I prefer using a Nanuk instead of the other cases on the market.

Hope you enjoy this video and I hope it helps you if you are looking what case to get.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Video: Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Cameron Highlands)

Hey folks,

Thought I would post Malaysia's video at the same time as well.  So all my videos from my trip are up now!  Hope they help, let me know if you have any questions.   I recommend checking it out for my advice for Cameron Highlands.  It was a stunning place to see and I highly recommend going there for sure.

Video: Singapore

Hey folks,

I have just uploaded my video for my time in Singapore.  I would recommend checking it out if you are thinking of travelling to Southeast Asia.  Hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions please let me know!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Hey folks,

If you haven't noticed already I have been on a small video binge recently and have made a lot of videos for my youtube channel as of late.  This is because I have time now to and I had been slacking a little due to school and travelling however that is all over so I have time to make up for lost time.

I just posted four videos on the exposure triangle which include aperture, shutter speed and ISO as well as a summary of all of them together.  I hope this helps and if you are not a fan of listening to me or youtube videos, I still have the blog posts I wrote on the exposure triangle on my blog here.  Just search "exposure triangle" and you will find the posts.

Hopefully they are helpful and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me in a comment on my channel or my blog or you can send my an e-mail to tomhoustonphotography@gmail.com.

Thanks again!

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Review: Lowepro Photo Sport 200 AW

Hey folks,

In this video I reviewed probably the best photography backpack I have ever seen and used.  This bag is perfect for those who are adventurous and want to have their camera with them safely and comfortably.  Lowepro really hit it out of the park with this bag and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

In the video I go over all it has to offer and why I found it so useful on my travels and trips.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Video: 16-35mm f/4 VR Re-Reviewed

Hey Folks,

I have reviewed my 16-35mm f/4 lens again after using it a lot throughout my trip in SE Asia on my FX D600.  So I thought after using it more and using it on a full frame camera I would give it another review.  Here is the video link or you can click here:


Monday, 29 April 2013

Video: Critique: Website of Faisal Photography

Hey Folks,

This video is a little different then my others.  I was asked to critique someone's personal photography website via my Facebook Page and I decided to make it into a video so others than help out as well.  I would love to hear if you agree or disagree with my review of Faisal's Website.

If anyone else wants me to look at their photography or website I am more than happy to help critique your work.  

Here is the link to the video or click on the "video" link above: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIFe676mWBU&feature=youtu.be

Hope that helps,


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Video: D600 Re-Reviewed

Hey Folks,

After using the D600 in Southeast Asia for almost two months I feel that I can give a full review of the camera now.  So I made another video giving my final thoughts on it and I hope you find it helpful!  Let me know if you have any questions.


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Video: Cambodia, SE Asia

Hey folks, so I just uploaded my video on going to Cambodia.  I talked about where I went and where I would recommend going as well as my tips and advice on shooting there.  Hope you enjoy it and I did only say the main points so if you want the finer details or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


Sunday, 14 April 2013

Video: First from Southeast Asia!

Hey folks,

Sorry to keep you waiting for this but here is my first video on my trip to SE Asia.  It is a video about going to the stunning island of Langkawi.

Hope you check it out because Langkawi is a truly stunning place!


Stay posted for more videos for Malaysia, Cambodia and Singapore!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Last Photos From SE Asia

Hey Folks,

Just edited my last batch of photos from my 7 weeks in SE Asia.  They are from my second trip to Langkawi and they help show the true beauty of the islands there.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do and I will start doing some videos about the trip for my Youtube channel.  Just have to overcome this jet lag first...

But I hope these photos tide you over till the videos!


Langkawi - D600

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Last Set Of Photos From SE Asia!

Hey folks,

So just tossed up my photos from Singapore!  Probably the last upload I'll have time for while I am in Asia so this will have to do for a bit.  Hope you like 'em!


Temple - Singapore - D600

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Photos: Cameron Highlands & Floating Village


Just uploaded more photos from my travels in SE Asia into my new arrivals gallery!  So you should check them out cause they are very interesting photos.

You can click on the link above or click on this link and go directly to the gallery: http://www.tomhoustonphotography.ca/#/galleries/70c1454423b96e9e80c8e51dfc104b6b

Hope you like them and here is a photo form the Highlands:

Tea Plantation - 16-35mm - D600

Friday, 8 March 2013

Photos: Angkor Temples (Wat & Thom)

Hey folks,

Got some pretty cool photos up now from Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, you should definitely check them out!  You can check the rest out here.

Sunrise, Angkor Wat - D600 

Temple, Algae - D600

Tree - D600

Hope you like them and I hope you check the rest out on my website!


Sunday, 24 February 2013

More Photos From Malaysia

Hey Folks,

Here are some more photos from Malaysia and you should check them out!


Here are some examples:

Mosque & Patronas Towers - D600 - 16-35mm

Federal Building - D600 - 16-35mm

Hope you like the photos.


Monday, 18 February 2013

Photos: Langkawi, Malaysia


So I have been AWOL because I have been traveling around Malaysia this last week.  Finally could uploading photo and here they are!


Hope you like them and here are one or two of my favourites:

Sunset Cenang Beach

Cenang Beach and Mountains

View From Cable Car Lookout Platform

Friday, 11 January 2013

Video: What's In My Bag

He folks,

Just made a "what's in my bag" video recently because of the shift in gear I have done recently so this will be the most up to date gear.  It is all the same as my last gear review video however this is all of the gear I use.

Hope you like it,


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Video: Initial Review of the D600

Hey Folks,

I am sure some of you might have been waiting for this review because I have be eluding to the fact I got a D600 recently however haven't posted much about it/from it.  Well that is all going to change now.

Here is my initial review and I will be posted some sneak peeks soon from shoots I have done recently with the D600 so stay posted!  In the mean time you can check out what I think of this amazing camera here on my youtube channel.

Hope you like the review!
