
This is my blog for Tom Houston Photography. My aim here is to help share knowledge. I have been fortunate enough to know some very smart and helpful photographers who have helped me a lot with my photography. This blog is how I want to return the favour, give back and help out others.

I hope you enjoy,


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Video: Travel and Photography Tips For: The North Rim (Grand Canyon)


So here is my video for the north rim of the Grand Canyon!  Hope this helps and if you have any questions be don't hesitate to ask!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Photos: Country Shoot


All the country shoot photos are up!  You should go check them out, I got to shoot in some very cool locations with great models who had tons of energy.  You can check them out here!  They are in the new arrivals section for the next week or so.  Hope you like them and here are some of them:

Portrait - 85mm f/1.4 D

Portrait - 85mm f/1.4 D

Portrait - 85mm f/1.4 D
Stay posted for my next shoots!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sneak Peek: Country Shoot


Here is a sneak peek of photos from my latest shoot!  Hope you like them and I posted a couple since I did take a bunch at this shoot.  So here is one but be sure to check out my site for the others here.
Portrait - 85mm f/1.4 D

Rest of the photos will be up soon, so stay posted!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Photos: Latest Shoot's Sneak Photo


Just tossed up my latest photo shoot's sneak up on my site in the New Arrivals Gallery!  You should check them out and stay posted for more photos from the shoot.

Portrait - 85mm f/1.4D

Hope you like them!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Video: Travel and Photography Tips For: Flagstaff, Arizona


Here is the video for the Flagstaff area which for my trip was basically the Grand Canyon's South Rim and Desert View (East Rim).  So I hope this help and again if you have any questions about any of this let me know and I will be more than willing to help you out!

Here is the link: http://youtu.be/ECZ7LKE1lZg

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Video: Tips for Sedona, AZ


Here is my video on the tips for photography and traveling in the Sedona area of AZ.  Hope it helps!


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Photos: Southwest Roadtrip


Just posted my best photos (minus panoramas) up on my site!  You should definitely check these out.


Also stay posted for the panoramas!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Video: My Southwest Trip's Route


Just made a quick video of the route I took in the Southwest so that you know where I went.  Now I will make a video for each of the places I went to go over the details of what I did and what I recommend and some tips and advice for photography in the area.


Hope that helps!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Video: Gear for Southwest Roadtrip


So here is my first video about my trip to the southwest and I covered what gear I used and brought with me.  I hope this help and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions you have from my trip!


Hope this helps,


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Photos: First Batch From Southwest!


So I uploaded my first batch of photos to my website!  You should check them out and I will be posting more later.  I still have panoramas and some other photos to edit still but I thought I would toss these ones up in the mean time.

You can find them all here http://www.tomhoustonphotography.ca/#/southwest!

Hope you enjoy these and stay posted for the rest.  I may have save some of my favourites for last.

Here is one of my favourites from this batch:

Zion, Utah - Taken from Scout Lookout - 17-55mm

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Update: Photos


So I am back from Arizona and I have posted two photos as a early sneak peek on my website.  The link is below for the gallery and I will have more to come soon!  The first photo is of Antelope Canyon and the second is a 7 photo panorama of Monument Valley.

Here is the Antelope Canyon one to spark some interest:


Hope you enjoy them!